Fukui Functionについて理解を深めた


ちょっとやりたかったことがあったのだけど、軌道の係数いじったりするコード書くのめんどくさいなーとか思って後回しにしていたので単にmulliken population analysisの結果いじればいいだけだと理解してさっさと実装するかという気分になりました。






>>> from pygamess import Gamess
>>> from rdkit import Chem
>>> m = Chem.MolFromMolFile("examples/methyl_yellow.mol", removeHs=False)
>>> g = Gamess()
>>> g.dft_type("b3lyp", tddft=True)
>>> g.basis_sets("6-31G*")
>>> r = g.run(m)
>>> r.uv_spectra # (exitation ev, oscillator strength)

NMR spectra

これは時間がかかった(2020 MBAで30分以上)

>>> from pygamess import Gamess
>>> from rdkit import Chem
>>> m = Chem.MolFromMolFile("examples/C=CCBr.mol", removeHs=False)
>>> g = Gamess(num_cores=1) # PARALLEL EXECUTION IS NOT ENABLED.
>>> g.basis_sets("6-31G*") 
>>> g.run_type("nmr")
>>> r = g.run(m)
>>> r.isotropic_shielding




Free Ligand 1D NMR Conformational Signatures To Enhance Structure Based Drug Design

This was a very interesting paper.

The correlation of kon with free ligand preorganization implies 1D NMR signatures can augment structure−kinetic relationships; when kon is optimized by highly populated bioactive states, potency will be driven by koff.

Storing GAMESS calculation results in RDKit Chem object

Japan is under a state of emergency for the third time, which forced me to do self-quarantine. After all, my five days of GW holidays were spent developing the pygamess library.

This is an example of storing GAMESS calculation results into RDKit's Chem object. I will calculate the two molecules, ethane, and ethanol, to export as an SDF file later.

>>> from pygamess import Gamess
>>> from pygamess.utils import rdkit_optimize
>>> from rdkit import Chem
>>> ethane = rdkit_optimize("CC")
>>> ethanol = rdkit_optimize("CCO")
>>> g = Gamess()
>>> g.run_type("optimize")
>>> ethane_result = g.run(ethane)
>>> optimized_ethane = ethane_result.mol
>>> ethanol_result = g.run(ethanol)
>>> optimized_ethanol = ethanol_result.mol

Orbital energies and dipole moments including HOMO and LUMO energies are stored in the object. Each atom is also assigned a mulliken charge/lowdin charge.

>>> optimized_ethane.GetProp("HOMO")
>>> optimized_ethane.GetProp("LUMO")
>>> optimized_ethane.GetProp("dipole_moment")
>>> optimized_ethane.GetProp("orbital_energies")
'-11.0355 -11.0352 -0.981 -0.8121 -0.572 -0.572 -0.4717 -0.4603 -0.4603 0.6556 0.6556 0.687 0.737 0.7814 0.7893 0.7893'
>>> for a in optimized_ethane.GetAtoms():
...   print("{}:\t{:.4f}".format(a.GetSymbol(), float(a.GetProp("mulliken_charge"))))
C:  -0.1748
C:  -0.1748
H:  0.0583
H:  0.0583
H:  0.0583
H:  0.0583
H:  0.0583
H:  0.0583

Finally, I'll export the object to SDF.

>>> optimized_mols = [optimized_ethane, optimized_ethanol]
>>> w = Chem.SDWriter('test.sdf')
>>> for m in optimized_mols:
...   w.write(m)
>>> w.close()

Looking at the exported SDF, we can see these results are persisted.

$ cat test.sdf
     RDKit          3D

  8  7  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0999 V2000
   -0.7687    0.0082   -0.0152 C   0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
    0.7687   -0.0082    0.0152 C   0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
   -1.1742   -0.1016    0.9863 H   0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
   -1.1352    0.9432   -0.4285 H   0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
   -1.1499   -0.8048   -0.6260 H   0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
    1.1499    0.8048    0.6260 H   0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
    1.1742    0.1016   -0.9863 H   0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
    1.1352   -0.9432    0.4285 H   0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
  1  2  1  0
  1  3  1  0
  1  4  1  0
  1  5  1  0
  2  6  1  0
  2  7  1  0
  2  8  1  0
>  <total_energy>  (1) 

>  <HOMO>  (1) 

>  <LUMO>  (1) 

>  <nHOMO>  (1) 

>  <nLUMO>  (1) 

>  <dipole_moment>  (1) 

>  <dx>  (1) 

>  <dy>  (1) 

>  <dz>  (1) 

>  <orbital_energies>  (1) 
-11.0355 -11.0352 -0.981 -0.8121 -0.572 -0.572 -0.4717 -0.4603 -0.4603 0.6556 0.6556 0.687 0.737 0.7814 0.7893 0.7893

>  <atom.dprop.mulliken_charge>  (1) 
-0.174764 -0.174764 0.058255000000000001 0.058255000000000001 0.058254 0.058255000000000001 0.058255000000000001 0.058255000000000001

TODO: Add GAMESS calculation conditions as attributes, like "HF/6-31G**".








molecule cation_pi {
     1 1
     N 26.56861  22.88472  72.47206
     C 25.05591  23.05763  72.38527
     C 27.18276  23.04159  71.08205
     C 27.14794  23.94295  73.40648
     C 26.89124  21.49601  73.01604
     H 24.65761  22.29324  71.71973
     H 24.84300  24.05067  71.99229
     H 26.95089  24.04166  70.71972
     H 26.73892  22.29197  70.42917
     H 28.26387  22.89551  71.15590
     H 26.89847  24.92550  73.00913
     H 28.22884  23.81270  73.44995
     H 26.70726  23.81001  74.39332
     H 26.46855  20.75492  72.33939
     H 26.44825  21.40230  74.00640
     H 27.97398  21.38820  73.06968
     H 24.63622  22.94695  73.38408
     0 1
     C 30.61324  20.49644  72.40614 
     C 30.47183  21.03406  71.19420 
     C 30.79531  21.59051  73.36029 
     C 30.75216  22.77934  72.62888 
     C 31.00908  21.63948  74.74382 
     N 30.43745  22.45766  71.27884 
     C 30.92671  24.02761  73.23103 
     C 31.18435  22.86580  75.34238 
     C 31.14962  24.05129  74.58925 
     H 30.33993  20.55500  70.23268
     H 31.04481  20.72825  75.32842
     H 30.86231  23.00634  70.52231
     H 30.90815  24.93911  72.64846
     H 31.36065  22.92555  76.40870
     H 31.30378  24.99933  75.08996
     H 30.61446  19.44515  72.64676

     units angstrom
     symmetry c1

set basis 6-31g_d_p_



結果はこのあたりを見ればいいんですかね。ESも効いてるけどInduction(CT+mixみたいな項?)とDispersionも効いてるから、次はカチオンの有無でトリプトファンのそれぞれの原子のRESP chargeがどのくらい変化するかとか双極子どうなっているかとか確認すればいいんかな。

Special recipe for scaled SAPT0 (see Manual):
  Electrostatics sSAPT0         -13.53632077 [kcal/mol]     
  Exchange sSAPT0                10.77916633 [kcal/mol]      
  Induction sSAPT0               -5.12922298 [kcal/mol]     
  Dispersion sSAPT0              -5.69289464 [kcal/mol]     
Total sSAPT0                    -13.57927206 [kcal/mol]     

Scanning the torsional potential in Psikit(RDKit+Psi4)

Considering the conformational effects of the compound is important in Structure Based Drug Design, this paper discussed about it, in terms Protein-Ligand binding using torsional scan of each ligands(PDB:2JH0,2JH5,2JH6). They calculated torsional energy, and explained the relation between inhibitory activity and torsional energy.

Torsional scanning is the task of the quantum chemistry rather than that of chemoinformatics. But I wanted to conduct quantum chemical calculation as an extention of chemoinformatics way, so I implemented it in Psikit



Psi4 install error

I got a this error. Conda always irritates me ;-)

>>> import psi4
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/kzfm/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/psi4/__init__.py", line 55, in <module>
    from . import core
ImportError: dlopen(/Users/kzfm/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/psi4/core.so, 2): Library not loaded: @rpath/libiomp5.dylib
  Referenced from: /Users/kzfm/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/psi4/core.so
  Reason: image not found

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "/Users/kzfm/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/psi4/__init__.py", line 60, in <module>
    raise ImportError("{0}".format(err))
ImportError: dlopen(/Users/kzfm/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/psi4/core.so, 2): Library not loaded: @rpath/libiomp5.dylib
  Referenced from: /Users/kzfm/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/psi4/core.so
  Reason: image not found


朝からイラツキすぎてまともに解決する気力もないので、当面放置するかも。これから買い物いかないといけないし。 それにしてもCondaよくわからんエラー多すぎるわ。RDKitもそうだったしさー。あんまよくないんじゃないの?職場では使ってないしー


追記 0800くらい


$ install_name_tool -change @rpath/libiomp5.dylib /Users/kzfm/anaconda3/pkgs/intel-openmp-2018.0.0-h8158457_8/lib/libiomp5.dylib /Users/kzfm/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/psi4/core.so

Mishima.syk #6 やりました


僕は分子設計を軽くディスってきましたw 本当にもっと頑張って欲しいですね。リードオプティマイゼーションのスタンスからFMOを使っているんだけど、もっとアーリーな段階での使い方の議論は新鮮だったので今度試してみたい。


