21 06 2020 chemoinformatics bioinformatics Tweet
Practical Applications of Deep Learning To Impute Heterogeneous Drug Discovery DataというJ.C.I.Mのペーパーだけど、research gateからも読めるみたい。
個人的にはマルチタスク学習も転移学習もDrug Discoveryのデータの予測にはあんまり有効じゃないんだろうなーと思っていて、特にマルチタスクなんて共通な特徴量抽出だろうから、それって結局脱溶媒に帰着してハンシュフジタのlogPに無事着陸帰還とというか、「1mmも前進してないじゃないか?美しくないなオイ」くらいに思っている。
Significant improvements over “conventional” machine learning are generally only seen in large data sets or in the case of multitask learning where there are strong correlations between the endpoints.
In particular, we can see that the project A cell 2 (cell proliferation) results cannot be predicted with conventional QSAR methods; a negative R2 indicates a performance that is worse than random (i.e., shuffling the test labels). This is likely because cell activity depends not only on target protein activity but also on the compound reaching the target which will be strongly influenced by physicochemical and ADME properties.
- Imputation of Assay Bioactivity Data Using Deep Learning
- Data-driven missing data imputation in cluster monitoring system based on deep neural network
測定系同士に関連性がある場合に精度が向上するってあれじゃン、発現データじゃんとおもってバイオインフォマティクス関連の文献調べたらDeepImpute: an accurate, fast, and scalable deep neural network method to impute single-cell RNA-seq dataってのを見つけた。