28 10 2009 Python machinelearning Tweet
Machine Learning 3章
Machine Learning: An Algorithmic Perspective (Chapman & Hall/Crc Machine Learning & Patrtern Recognition)
Stephen Marsland
Chapman & Hall / ¥ 6,459 ()
Stephen Marsland
Chapman & Hall / ¥ 6,459 ()
要するにbackwars phaseを実装すればいいんでしょ?的な。実際書いてみると逆に誤差を伝播している感がある。
# Code from Chapter 3 of Machine Learning: An Algorithmic Perspective
# by Stephen Marsland (http://seat.massey.ac.nz/personal/s.r.marsland/MLBook.html)
# You are free to use, change, or redistribute the code in any way you wish for
# non-commercial purposes, but please maintain the name of the original author.
# This code comes with no warranty of any kind.
# Stephen Marsland, 2008
# modifiled by kzfm 2009
from numpy import *
inputs = array([[0,0],[0,1],[1,0],[1,1]])
targets = array([[0],[1],[1],[0]])
ndata,nin = shape(inputs)
nout = shape(targets)[1]
nhidden = 2
beta = 1
momentum = 0.9
eta = 0.25
niterations = 10001
weights1 = (random.rand(nin+1,nhidden)-0.5) * 2/sqrt(nin)
weights2 = (random.rand(nhidden+1,nout)-0.5) * 2/sqrt(nhidden)
# train
inputs = concatenate((inputs,-ones((ndata,1))),axis=1)
change = range(ndata)
updatew1 = zeros((shape(weights1)))
updatew2 = zeros((shape(weights2)))
for n in range(niterations):
hidden = concatenate((1.0/(1.0+exp(-beta * dot(inputs,weights1))), -ones((shape(inputs)[0],1))),axis=1)
outputs = 1.0 / (1.0+exp(-beta * dot(hidden,weights2)))
error = 0.5 * sum((targets-outputs)**2)
if (mod(n,1000)==0): print "Iteration: ",n, " Error: ",error
deltao = (targets-outputs) * outputs * (1.0-outputs)
deltah = hidden * (1.0-hidden) * (dot(deltao,transpose(weights2)))
updatew1 = eta*(dot(transpose(inputs),deltah[:,:-1])) + momentum*updatew1
updatew2 = eta*(dot(transpose(hidden),deltao)) + momentum*updatew2
weights1 += updatew1
weights2 += updatew2
inputs = inputs[change,:]
targets = targets[change,:]