いまいち、Class::DBIとDBIx::Classの違いがわかっていないのだけど、Catalystで作りたいものがあったので Perl/DBICなどみながら、いろいろさわってみてる。
Class::DBI inspired ORM designed to be resultset-oriented rather than table-oriented - so native support for views, aggregates (GROUP BY etc.), better automatic JOIN-ing and the ::Sweet search features done properly.
もうちょいドキュメント 読む必要があるけど、なかなか楽しげ。
DBIx::Class::Manual::Glossary - Clarification of terms used. - search.cpan.org
ResultSetThis is an object representing a set of data. It can either be an entire table, or the results of a query. The actual data is not held in the ResultSet, it is only a description of how to fetch the data.